Book Analysis “Hidden Figures” by Margot Lee Shetterly

“Hidden Figures” by Margot Lee Shetterly is a compelling historical book that shines a light on the incredible contributions of three black womenDorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson – during the Space Race. These women defied the odds and played pivotal roles at NASA, challenging the prevailing stereotypes and discrimination of their time.

The book delves into the challenging experiences faced by Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson as women of color in a predominantly white and male-dominated industry. It explores the barriers they had to overcome and the perseverance they exhibited in pursuit of their dreams. Their remarkable achievements at NASA not only defied societal expectations but also played a significant role in shaping the success of the space program.

The Story of Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson

Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson are the main protagonists in “Hidden Figures.” These remarkable women contributed significantly to NASA during the Space Race, demonstrating the strength of their intellect and determination.

Dorothy Vaughan was a mathematician and the first black supervisor at NASA’s Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory. Her expertise and leadership played a crucial role in advancing the agency’s space programs. Vaughan’s ability to navigate through complex computations and her dedication to her work set her apart as a formidable force in the field.

Mary Jackson, an engineer, was another trailblazer in the story. As the first black female engineer at NASA, Jackson broke barriers and shattered stereotypes. Her technical skills and passion for aeronautical engineering forged a path for future generations of black women in the field. Jackson’s determination to overcome systemic injustices inspired others to pursue their dreams without limitations.

Katherine Johnson, a renowned mathematician, is best known for her meticulous calculations that contributed to the success of John Glenn’s historic space flight. Johnson’s precise computations were invaluable to NASA, and her work exemplified the power of expertise and intelligence. Her contributions provided critical data that helped ensure the safety and success of American astronauts.

These three women, despite facing the significant challenges of racism and sexism, rose above societal expectations and achieved remarkable milestones in their respective fields. Their resilience and determination continue to inspire and pave the way for future generations of scientists and engineers.

Racism and Sexism in the Space Race and Civil Rights Movement.

The book “Hidden Figures” by Margot Lee Shetterly delves into the striking experiences of Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson, shedding light on the inherent racism and sexism prevalent in the Space Race and Civil Rights Movement. Throughout their careers at NASA’s Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, these brilliant black women encountered discriminatory practices and formidable challenges in an industry predominantly dominated by white men.

The pervasive racism and sexism faced by Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson were not confined to the workplace alone but also intruded into their personal lives. The book vividly encapsulates the struggle for equal rights during the Civil Rights Movement, deftly intertwining it with the backdrop of the Space Race. By highlighting the protagonists’ unwavering perseverance and unwavering determination in the face of such adversity, “Hidden Figures” cogently portrays the broader fight for equality during this transformative era of American history.

The racism experienced by Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson exemplifies the systemic injustices that black women confronted in a white-dominated industry. Their stories serve as poignant reminders of the inherent biases that continue to persist in the STEM fields, echoing the broader struggle for equality. Moreover, the book powerfully underscores the critical interplay between racial and gender discrimination, delving into the intersectional challenges these women faced as both black and female professionals in a time of profound societal change.

The Space Race and Civil Rights Movement: Parallel Histories

The Space Race and the Civil Rights Movement were contemporaneous chapters in American history, intimately connected yet seemingly disparate. “Hidden Figures” expertly establishes the intricate linkages between these two transformative periods. As the United States strove to outpace the Soviet Union in the race to conquer space, the nation was also grappling with significant social upheaval and the ongoing struggle for racial equality.

The Space Race, which was characterized by intense competition and ingenuity, became a larger stage upon which societal prejudices were amplified. The accomplishments of Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson in the face of racism and sexism serve as a powerful testament to the indomitable human spirit and the potential for triumph amidst adversity.

By shining a light on the experiences of these hidden figures, “Hidden Figures” enriches our understanding of the Space Race and the Civil Rights Movement, interweaving the lives of these remarkable women with the broader tapestry of historical events. It underscores the profound impact of their contributions in challenging discriminatory practices and propelling progress toward a more inclusive and equitable society.

Racism and Sexism in the Space Race and Civil Rights Movement: A Comparative Analysis

To provide a comprehensive understanding of the prevailing racism and sexism in the Space Race and Civil Rights Movement, the following table highlights the key aspects of discrimination faced by Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson:

Racism Sexism
Pervasive racial biases in hiring practices Limited career opportunities for women in STEM
Segregated workspaces and facilities Underrepresentation of women in leadership positions
Exclusion from professional networks and collaborations Persistent gender stereotypes and biases
Limited access to educational resources and opportunities Pay disparities and unequal treatment

The comparative analysis reveals the parallel struggles faced by Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson as they contended with the intertwined challenges of racism and sexism. It serves as a stark reminder of the structural barriers that persisted in both the scientific community and society at large during this transformative period.

The next section of the article delves into how Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson overcame these obstacles and achieved remarkable triumphs in the face of adversity.

Overcoming Obstacles and Achievements.

Despite facing numerous obstacles, the women in “Hidden Figures” demonstrated exceptional perseverance and triumph. Their unwavering determination enabled them to overcome the formidable barriers of racism and sexism, thereby achieving remarkable accomplishments within NASA during the Space Race.

These trailblazing women shattered the shackles of discrimination, becoming symbols of resilience and fortitude. By breaking down educational and professional barriers, they defied societal expectations and shattered stereotypes associated with their gender and race.

Their achievements extended far beyond individual successes. These hidden figures paved the way for future generations of women and people of color, inspiring them to pursue careers in the fields of mathematics and science. Their invaluable contributions to NASA’s mission formed an indelible mark in the pursuit of knowledge and exploration.

Breaking Down Educational and Professional Barriers

As part of their extraordinary achievements, the women of “Hidden Figures” defied the systemic obstacles imposed upon them. Through their unwavering dedication and exceptional intellect, they blazed a trail, proving that barriers could be overcome through a combination of perseverance and merit.

  1. Dorothy Vaughan, the first black supervisor at NASA’s Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, shattered the glass ceiling, demonstrating her extraordinary leadership abilities and mathematical skills.
  2. Mary Jackson, the first black female engineer at NASA, dismantled barriers through her determination and remarkable engineering acumen.
  3. Katherine Johnson, known for her precise calculations, played an indispensable role in the success of John Glenn’s historic space flight, solidifying her reputation as an indispensable figure within NASA.

The achievements of these women illustrate the power of tenacity and the triumph of the human spirit. Their stories motivate and empower present and future generations to rise above societal limitations and achieve greatness.

Paving the Way for Equality

The achievements of the women in “Hidden Figures” reverberate beyond their triumphs. Their trailblazing actions sparked a movement toward equality, both within the fields of mathematics and science and society at large.

By challenging stereotypes and prevailing biases, these hidden figures set the stage for greater inclusivity and diversity within the scientific community. Their unwavering dedication to their craft and their refusal to be confined by societal limitations laid the foundation for a more equitable future.

Historical Context and Impact.

Within the pages of “Hidden Figures,” Margot Lee Shetterly imparts a deep understanding of the historical context surrounding the Space Race and the Civil Rights Movement. By delving into the lives of Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson, the book illuminates the discriminatory practices and policies that permeated not only their professional lives at Langley but also the broader black community.

This exploration of historical context serves to highlight the far-reaching impact of their achievements. Through their groundbreaking work at NASA, these remarkable women shattered racial and gender barriers, leaving behind an enduring legacy.

The Space Race, a contentious competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, fueled rapid advancements in space exploration and technology. However, amidst the fervent drive for scientific achievements, the Civil Rights Movement was also underway, demanding equal rights and challenging systemic racism and sexism.

By intertwining these narratives, “Hidden Figures” illustrates the resilience and fortitude of Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson, showcasing not only their triumphs within the scientific realm but also their contribution to the broader struggle for equality.

Discriminatory Practices and Policies

  • Despite their undeniable talent and credentials, the black women working at NASA during this period were subjected to racial prejudice and sexism. They faced segregation, limited opportunities, and unequal treatment, both in the workplace and in their personal lives.
  • The Jim Crow laws, a series of state and local statutes enforcing racial segregation, further exacerbated the challenges these women faced. They encountered segregated facilities, separate bathrooms, and even separate dining areas.
  • Despite these immense obstacles, the women persisted, relying on their intellectual prowess and unwavering determination to excel in their respective fields.

Achievements and Breaking Barriers

“Hidden Figures” meticulously chronicles the achievements of Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson, underscoring their groundbreaking contributions to NASA and the Space Race. They defied societal norms, disproving the prevailing narratives that women, especially black women, were ill-suited for scientific and mathematical pursuits.

These trailblazers played a pivotal role in John Glenn’s historic orbit of the Earth, providing the precise calculations necessary for the success of his mission. Their work showcased the exceptional intellectual capacity of black women, challenging deeply ingrained stereotypes.

Their triumphs reverberated beyond the confines of the space program. Through their determination and perseverance, these women inspired future generations of aspiring mathematicians, engineers, and scientists, actively paving the way for greater diversity and inclusivity in these fields.

The Broader Impact

“Hidden Figures” serves as more than just a chronicle of individual achievements. It also highlights the broader impact of the Space Race and the Civil Rights Movement on American society as a whole.

By shedding light on the discrimination faced by black women in STEM fields, the book exposes the systemic barriers that plagued the nation during this era. It underscores the importance of equality and the need for a more inclusive approach to scientific innovation.

The legacy of Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson extends far beyond their triumphs. It is a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who refuse to be limited by discriminatory practices and policies. Their contributions have opened doors for countless others and continue to inspire a new generation dedicated to breaking down racial and gender barriers.

The Film Adaptation and Its Criticisms.

Following the success of Margot Lee Shetterly’s book, “Hidden Figures,” a film adaptation was created, garnering significant attention and acclaim. The film aimed to bring the remarkable story of Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson to a wider audience. While the adaptation received praise for its portrayal of inspiring women, it also faced criticism for certain aspects.

One prominent criticism of the film adaptation is the inclusion of fictional scenes that depict a white savior figure. This representation has been viewed as problematic by some, as it detracts from the real-life achievements and struggles of the black women at the forefront of the story. These criticisms argue that the addition of a white savior character undermines the focus on the perseverance, intelligence, and resilience of Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson.

Advocates for the film suggest that these fictional elements were included intentionally to appeal to a wider audience and convey the importance of equality. By incorporating a white savior figure, they argue that the film attempts to bridge the gap between different racial backgrounds and highlight the collective fight for equal opportunities.

Despite the criticisms, it is essential to note that the book “Hidden Figures” offers a more comprehensive exploration of women’s experiences and achievements. The book delves deeper into their individual stories, shedding light on the unique challenges they faced as black women in a predominantly white and male-dominated industry. Through Margot Lee Shetterly’s meticulous research and storytelling, readers gain a more profound understanding of the women’s contributions to NASA and their impact on breaking down racial and gender barriers.

Elevating the Conversation on Equality

The film adaptation of “Hidden Figures” has sparked important discussions about the portrayal of historical events and the representation of marginalized groups in media. These conversations have underscored the significance of accurate and authentic storytelling, especially when highlighting the achievements of underrepresented communities.

By examining both the film adaptation and the book, we can recognize the value of portraying the women’s stories with integrity and honoring their immense contributions. It is crucial to celebrate the real-life achievements of Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson while acknowledging the ongoing work needed to achieve equality in all sectors.

Ultimately, “Hidden Figures” serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of diverse voices and the need for equal representation in our society. The film adaptation, despite its criticisms, has played a role in bringing attention to the remarkable stories of these hidden figures, sparking conversations about the challenges they faced and the barriers they broke. Through these discussions, we can strive for a more equitable and inclusive future.

Criticisms Arguments
Inclusion of fictional scenes portraying a white savior figure Intended to appeal to a wider audience and emphasize the importance of equality
Diminishing the focus on the women’s true achievements Raises awareness of the perseverance, intelligence, and resilience of Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson

The Importance of the Book.

“Hidden Figures” sheds light on the often-overlooked contributions of black women in the space program, emphasizing their significant roles in the success of NASA’s missions. This groundbreaking book highlights the determination, intelligence, and resilience of these remarkable women, challenging the prevailing narrative that white men were the sole driving force behind America’s achievements in space exploration.

Through the stories of black women who worked tirelessly behind the scenes, “Hidden Figures” demonstrates the vital importance of their contributions to the space program. These women played essential roles in the calculations, engineering, and problem-solving that propelled NASA’s missions forward. Without their expertise and dedication, the success of the space program would not have been possible.

By uncovering the accomplishments of black women in the space program, “Hidden Figures” challenges the historical erasure and marginalization of their contributions. The book provides a powerful counterpoint to traditional narratives that have historically underrepresented the achievements of black women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

The stories of these hidden figures serve as a source of inspiration for aspiring black women in STEM fields, showing them that their talents and abilities are valuable and deserving of recognition. By highlighting the importance of diversity and representation in the space program, “Hidden Figures” advocates for equal opportunities for black women and other underrepresented groups.

The significance of “Hidden Figures” extends beyond the space program itself. The book showcases the important role that black women have played throughout history, breaking barriers and paving the way for future generations. It amplifies their voices and stories, ensuring that their contributions are acknowledged and celebrated.

Through its exploration of the achievements of black women in the space program, “Hidden Figures” broadens our understanding of the complex history of the space race and highlights the resilience, intelligence, and impact of black women in shaping America’s scientific and technological advancements.

The Impact of “Hidden Figures”

  • Increased awareness of the contributions of black women in the space program
  • Prompted conversations about diversity and representation in STEM fields
  • Inspired efforts to promote inclusivity and equal opportunities for underrepresented groups
  • Highlighted the need for accurate and inclusive historical narratives
  • Empowered aspiring black women in STEM fields to pursue their dreams

Beyond the Moon Landing.

While the moon landing in 1969 marked a significant milestone in the Space Race, “Hidden Figures” reminds us that the achievements of Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson extend beyond that momentous event. The book explores their continued contributions to NASA and their work in inspiring future generations of mathematicians, engineers, and scientists. It highlights the ongoing struggle for equality and the need for continued efforts to ensure equal opportunities for all.

Furthering Science and Inspiring Generations

The impact of the moon landing cannot be understated. It was a remarkable achievement that captured the world’s attention and solidified the United States’ position as a leader in space exploration. However, the book “Hidden Figures” goes beyond this singular event to shed light on the broader impact of Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson in the field of aerospace.

Their contributions to NASA extended far beyond the moon landing. They continued to make significant advancements in their respective fields, pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and technology. Their groundbreaking work in mathematics, engineering, and computer programming paved the way for future space exploration missions and innovations.

Inspiring the Next Generation

One of the most profound impacts of the hidden figures’ achievements is their inspiration to future generations. Their stories have become a beacon of hope for aspiring mathematicians, engineers, and scientists, especially those from underrepresented communities. “Hidden Figures” showcases their determination, intelligence, and resilience, encouraging young individuals to pursue their passions in STEM fields.

By highlighting the contributions of Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson, “Hidden Figures” demonstrates that anyone, regardless of their background or gender, can make groundbreaking discoveries and achieve greatness in scientific disciplines. It serves as a reminder that diversity and inclusion are essential for progress and innovation.

Advancing Equality in Science

“Hidden Figures” not only sheds light on the contributions of Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson but also highlights the ongoing struggle for equality in the scientific community. It exposes the barriers they faced as black women working in a predominantly white and male-dominated industry.

The book underscores the importance of breaking down racial and gender barriers, and the continued need for efforts to ensure equal opportunities for all individuals in the pursuit of scientific endeavors. The broader impact of “Hidden Figures” lies in its ability to provoke discussions and action towards creating a more inclusive and diverse scientific community.

A Continued Journey

“Hidden Figures” tells the untold stories of pioneers who played a vital role in shaping NASA’s success. It serves as a reminder that the moon landing was just one milestone in a much larger journey of scientific exploration. The book emphasizes the ongoing importance of collaboration, diversity, and innovation as we embark on new quests to understand our universe.

Key Points Explanation
The achievements of “Hidden Figures” extend beyond the moon landing The book showcases the continued contributions and advancements made by Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson.
The hidden figures inspire future generations Their stories serve as an inspiration for aspiring mathematicians, engineers, and scientists from all backgrounds.
“Hidden Figures” highlights the ongoing struggle for equality The book raises awareness about the barriers faced by black women in the scientific community and advocates for equal opportunities.
The broader impact lies in advancing diversity and inclusion in science The book encourages discussions and actions toward creating a more inclusive scientific community.

The Legacy of the Hidden Figures.

The legacy of the hidden figures in “Hidden Figures” is one of inspiration and empowerment. These women’s stories have brought attention to the overlooked contributions of black women in STEM fields and have inspired a new generation to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Their perseverance in the face of adversity serves as a reminder of the importance of diversity and equality in the pursuit of scientific innovation and progress.

Their remarkable journey and achievements have left an indelible mark on society, reshaping the narrative around women and people of color in the fields of science and mathematics. Through their extraordinary determination and talent, they shattered stereotypes and blazed a trail for future generations, opening doors and creating a more inclusive society.

By telling their stories, “Hidden Figures” has sparked conversations and brought attention to the need for equal opportunities and representation in STEM fields. Their legacy continues to inspire young individuals, encouraging them to defy expectations and pursue their passions, regardless of their background.

These hidden figures have become symbols of strength and resilience, challenging societal norms and inspiring individuals to recognize the inherent value and potential within themselves. Their remarkable accomplishments have paved the way for a more diverse and inclusive scientific community, where individuals from all backgrounds have the opportunity to contribute their unique perspectives and talents.


In the words of Katherine Johnson, one of the trailblazing hidden figures, “We will always have STEM with us. Some things will drop out of the public eye and will go away, but there will always be science, engineering, and technology. And there will always, always be mathematics.” The legacy of the hidden figures in “Hidden Figures” is a testament to their enduring impact on the world and a powerful reminder of the infinite possibilities that lie ahead.

The Impact of Hidden Figures.

The publication of “Hidden Figures” and its subsequent adaptation into a film have had a profound impact on popular culture and public awareness. The book, written by Margot Lee Shetterly, has sparked conversations about diversity and representation in STEM fields, leading to increased efforts to promote inclusivity and equal opportunities for underrepresented groups.

Vaughan, Jackson, and Johnson’s stories have become symbols of resilience, determination, and the power of representation in inspiring future generations. Through their experiences, the book challenges prevailing narratives and sheds light on the importance of diversity and representation in STEM fields. Their remarkable contributions to NASA during the Space Race serve as a testament to the potential that can be unlocked when individuals of diverse backgrounds are given equal opportunities.

The recognition of “Hidden Figures” has prompted organizations and institutions to reevaluate their practices and policies to ensure a more inclusive and diverse workforce in fields related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Efforts to close the gender and racial gaps in these fields have been accelerated, with initiatives aimed at providing access to education and mentorship opportunities for individuals from underrepresented backgrounds.

The impact of “Hidden Figures” extends beyond the STEM field. The book has inspired individuals from all walks of life, highlighting the importance of perseverance, resilience, and breaking down societal barriers. It has sparked conversations about the untold stories of marginalized individuals and the need for more diverse narratives in historical accounts.

In conclusion, the impact of “Hidden Figures” has been far-reaching, igniting discussions on diversity, representation, and equal opportunities in STEM fields and beyond. The book and its film adaptation have brought greater recognition to the often-overlooked contributions of black women in the space program and have catalyzed positive change.


The book “Hidden Figures” by Margot Lee Shetterly provides a captivating analysis of the untold stories of three exceptional black women who played crucial roles in NASA’s success during the Space Race. Through their experiences, the book offers a profound analysis of the challenges, triumphs, and impacts they had on breaking down racial and gender barriers.

By highlighting the obstacles these women faced, “Hidden Figures” challenges prevailing narratives and sheds light on the significance of diversity and representation in STEM fields. The summary of their journey serves as a powerful testament to their unwavering resilience, remarkable intelligence, and invaluable contributions to American history.

Moreover, “Hidden Figures” provides critical insights into the broader picture of the Space Race and the Civil Rights Movement. It offers an analysis of the historical context surrounding the experiences of these extraordinary individuals, ultimately emphasizing the need for equal opportunities and the continued pursuit of equality.

In conclusion, “Hidden Figures” is a groundbreaking book that not only uncovers the remarkable stories of Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson but also challenges societal norms and inspires a new generation. This captivating summary resonates with readers, highlighting the immense importance of these hidden figures and their enduring legacy in shaping the future of STEM fields.

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